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 1. Derek Thomas  2-Reforming our understanding of Evangelism  OKCCRT 6 
 2. Derek Thomas  1-Reforming our understanding of God  OKCCRT 6 
 3. Derek Thomas  3-Reforming our understanding of Justification  OKCCRT 6 
 4. Derek Thomas  4-Reforming our understanding of Holiness  OKCCRT 6 
 5. Michael Fisher  Understanding Our Genetic Code, Part 13 - Evangelism and Discipleship, 4  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 6. Michael Fisher  Understanding Our Genetic Code, Part 11 - Evangelism and Discipleship, 2  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 7. Michael Fisher  Understanding Our Genetic Code, Part 12 - Evangelism and Discipleship, 3  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 8. Butch Trucks  on reforming in the 80's mix  WNEW.com Archive Interviews 
 9. James Ingram  Reforming the UN  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 10. Texas Public Policy Foundation  Reforming the Appraisal Process  Texas PolicyCast 
 11. Professor Paul Kennedy  Reforming the United Nations �  LSE Public Lectures and Events 
 12. Dr Jenks  Reforming the United Nations  ANU Public Lecture Series 
 13. Hell in a handcart  Episode 38 - 'Reforming the country, and where babies come from, in 30 minutes or less'   
 14. Ariel Buira; Professor Dennis Leech  Reforming the voting systems of the IMF and World Bank?  LSE: Public lectures and events 
 15. Hell in a handcart  Episode 38 - 'Reforming the country, and where babies come from, in 30 minutes or less'   
 16. A World of Possibilities  Inefficient But Indespensable: Reforming and Reviving the United Nations   
 17. Professor Nicholas Barr; Lord Turner of Ecchinswell  Reforming Pensions in Europe: four policies in search of a politician  LSE: Public lectures and events 
 18. A World of Possibilities  Inefficient But Indespensable: Reforming and Reviving the United Nations   
 19. A World of Possibilities  Behind America's Iron Curtain: Reforming the U.S. Prison System   
 20. Guardian Unlimited  Clare Dyer on reforming Britain's rape laws  Guardian Unlimited Podcasts 
 21. Dominic Galati  Evangelism  North Central University Chapel 
 22. Jay Wilsonn - Morning Devotion  Evangelism  Montana Family Camp 2004 
 23. Randy Jackson  8/11/04 Evangelism and the Believer  Heritage Christian Fellowship 
 24. Allan McNabb  Lifestyle Evangelism  Lifestyle Evangelism 
 25. Albert N. Martin  In Evangelism and Missions  A Manifesto of Trinity Baptist Church 
 26. Dr Gary Miller  Christian Evangelism   
 27. CBC  The Fundamentals of Evangelism  Sunday Service 10-10-04 
 28. Billy Graham  Evangelism And The Intellectual   
 29. Christianity Today  Servant Evangelism  Christianity Today 
 30. Greg Gill  Prayerful Evangelism  Series: Faith that Works 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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